A Corporate Governance Awareness Training was held on 11th August 2022 at Wisma SALCRA, with a total of thirty-two participants. The presenter, Mr Kubu Jenggi, Head of Internal Audit Department, started his training with a short introduction and welcoming remark. He continued the session by sharing the definition of what Corporate Governance is. Later, he explained about the 3-Lines of Defense Model with a diagram to ensure the participants had a better understanding. Mr. Kubu also shared some examples and photos of why values and control breakdown at the workplace.
The participants were divided into six (6) groups to analyse case studies. Each group required to identify its governance and / or control, followed by the root causes or why the case happened. Then, the group needed to think of its risks and implications and lastly the mitigating measures for the case. All group presented their outcomes followed by a question and answer session. The participants had a group photo before the training ended in the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed themselves and gained knowledge from the training.
By Marcella Shareen Mos