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Kuching, 5th October 2022- Minister of Food Industry, Commodities & Regional Development of Sarawak (M-FICORD), Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom officiated Integrity Day 2022 celebration at the level of the Ministry of Food Industry, Commodities & Regional Development of Sarawak (M-FICORD) in UCSI Hotel.

The ceremony started with Welcoming speech from Datu Edwin Abit, M-FICORD Permanent Secretary followed by M-FICORD Minister Speech.

Datu Edwin Abit then lead Integrity pledge before all the Head of Department under Ministry of Food Industry, Commodities & Regional Development of Sarawak Signing Anti-Corruption pledge ceremony.

Among the present during the ceremony both Deputy Minister for Ministry of Food Industry, Commodities & Regional Development of Sarawak YB Datuk Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail and YB Martin Ben; SALCRA General Manager, Mr. Joseph Blandoi; Director of Agriculture Department, Mr. Dominic Chunggat; Director of Sarawak Veterinary Department, Dr Adrian Susin Ambud; General Manager of Sarawak Land Development Board, Mr. Siang Mundaw; General Manager of State Farmers' Organisation Sarawak, Mr. Gom Raway and all officers under M-FICORD.

by Benedict Emang Jok

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